After many years of being involved with used medical equipment, sale and donation of them to various continents. The same issues plagued the recipients. Finding a local technician to keep the units working.

A few years ago, a UN study by WHO  found that any individual with a basic knowledge of electronics and a few simple tools can fix almost 60-70 percent of the problems with biomedical equipment.

I know based on my own experience with different equipment how much easier it is to see a video on how to fix an item.

I figured if we create a platform that is simple and efficient to bring people together to help one another learn and fix equipment, maybe beneficial.

This is the beginning of journey and hope it lasts a long time.


Kindest regards

Bahram Hashemi

Columbus Ohio             May 20,2019


Mission statement:

Our mission is to provide an online database and video platform where bio-medical equipment users can expand and share their technical, trouble-shooting and repair knowledge about a wide variety of bio-medical equipment.  This video platform provides a resource that allows salespeople, users and maintenance personnel to profit from sharing their experience with others, by the transfer of essential operating, maintenance and repair knowledge so the worldwide medical community has the necessary information and support to get the most out of their technical investment dollar.

Our Philosophy:

Our easy-to-use video platform is a cooperative effort first and foremost, allowing the posting of essential knowledge onto a video library that can be accessed by bio-medical personnel around the world.

How it works:

The preferred method is a short video, 1-15 minutes, because we find most things are quick to discover.
Some problems, being more complex in nature require in-depth instruction, 15-120 minute videos, that lead the viewer through a technical problem.
And some problems and questions will be best answered face-to-face through video-conferencing using FaceTime or Skype.
And finally, in some cases hands on training, will be provided with a visit or an invitation to join classroom training.
